Home > Q18. We would like to skip 'Quantile Normalization' for Affymetrix Exon Expression data and normalize the data by using some other normalization method. Is it possible to do in current GeneSpring version?
Please follow the steps to disable and to select the other normalization methods.
1. Disable the "Perform Quantile Normalization" option under ToolsOptionsAffymetrix Exon Summarization AlgorithmsExon PLIER/Iter PLIERUn-Check 'Perform Quantile Normalization'.
2. Create the Exon Expression experiment in GeneSpring.
3. After getting the data in, export 'All Entities' from the right clickExport entity list option.
4. Import it back in as a Generic Experiment. (i.e. create a custom technology using the exported data) Please
Note: when you are importing data back into GX11, it is already in log scale, so while creating the generic experiment you should explicitly select the option "Please select if your data is in log scale" so that log transformation is not performed on the data again.
5.Once you have your data as a custom experiment, you can perform any of the normalization methods available for Generic single color data.